JAGUAR S-TYPE 4.2 2006 RED, VIN: SAJWA01B36HN59903
معلومات حول القرعة
رقم القرعة
القيمة المقدرة
عدد الكيلومترات، ميلا
4.2L 8
وحدة القيادة
Rear-wheel drive
علبة السرعة
Auction Sale statistic
للفترة من : 2023-09 إلى: 2024-08
IAAI: 8 Lots
COPART: 13 Lots
المجموع: 21
AVG Price
شهر | IAAI | عدد IAAI | COPART | عدد COPART |
August | $338 | 2 | $0 | 0 |
July | $325 | 1 | $288 | 2 |
June | $0 | 0 | $300 | 1 |
May | $0 | 0 | $417 | 3 |
April | $158 | 3 | $0 | 0 |
March | $1825 | 1 | $433 | 3 |
February | $375 | 1 | $350 | 4 |
January | $0 | 0 | $0 | 0 |
December | $0 | 0 | $0 | 0 |
November | $0 | 0 | $0 | 0 |
October | $0 | 0 | $0 | 0 |
September | $0 | 0 | $0 | 0 |
Stat Vin Report
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شراء تقرير عينةلم يتم العثور على سيارات نشطة يتم تداولها في المستقبل القريب.
لم يتم العثور على سيارات نشطة يتم تداولها في المستقبل القريب.
لم يتم العثور على سيارات نشطة يتم تداولها في المستقبل القريب.
معلومات حول القرعة
COPART Bid History Report for 2006 JAGUAR S-TYPE VIN SAJWA01B36HN59903
Explore the full auction history of a VIN number JAGUAR S-TYPE 2006 accessible through COPART. Our platform allows you to easily and quickly delve into the comprehensive details about this specific vehicle, such as the JAGUAR S-TYPE 2006, by providing detailed reports to streamline your research process.
Every vehicle is assigned a distinct Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), a unique code that captures critical details about the JAGUAR S-TYPE, including its manufacturing year, origin country, engine type, and various other specifications. Getting to know with the 2006 JAGUAR S-TYPE VIN number SAJWA01B36HN59903 offers a comprehensive look into the vehicle's history, making sure you make well-informed decisions when looking at a auto purchase.
Vehicle auctions act as a dynamic marketplace for the sale of vehicles via bidding. These auctions often feature cars that are leased returns, have sustained damage, or have been repossessed. Keeping an eye on the auction history of the 2006 JAGUAR S-TYPE through its VIN SAJWA01B36HN59903 unveils the vehicle's past, highlighting any damages and the eventual selling price.
The bid history for a 2006 JAGUAR S-TYPE for sale at COPART can unveil pricing trends, helping in the optimization of bidding strategies for both buyers and sellers upon evaluating factors like lot number, sale date and status.
Report on JAGUAR S-TYPE VIN: SAJWA01B36HN59903 - All Past Details
Delving into the VIN history of a JAGUAR S-TYPE, specific focal points include:
- Vehicle Type: AUTOMOBILE;
- Make: JAGUAR;
- Model: S-TYPE;
- Year of Manufacture: 2006;
- VIN: SAJWA01B36HN59903;
- Lot Number: 60770874;
- Primary damage: MINOR DENT/SCRATCHES;
- Secondary damage: ;
- Driving Ability: RUNS AND DRIVES;
- Sale Price: ;
- Auction: COPART.
In-Depth Details: JAGUAR S-TYPE, VIN SAJWA01B36HN59903
When examining a 2006 JAGUAR S-TYPE for sale, besides the basic information, it is important to consider additional details that in unison will furnish a complete picture of the vehicle. The JAGUAR S-TYPE 2006 can reveal its current legal status and provide information about its past.
This vehicle falls under the AUTOMOBILE category and comes from the well-known JAGUAR company. Its model is S-TYPE, which was produced in 2006. The unique vehicle identification number (VIN) for this vehicle is SAJWA01B36HN59903. It was listed for sale at an auction, under the lot number 60770874.
During the inspection thorough analysis found that the most significant damage to the vehicle is located in MINOR DENT/SCRATCHES region. Additionally, it has been noted that lesser damage is .
The JAGUAR S-TYPE 2006 sports a RED finish and RUNS AND DRIVES, which suggests whether it is in operational condition. Equipped with an 4.2L 8 engine, its transmission type is described as AUTOMATIC. The vehicle is being auctioned through the COPART USA on 12/07/2024. Its price is . In summary, the 2006 JAGUAR S-TYPE with VIN SAJWA01B36HN59903 was noted as Sold according to the sale status.
VIN Deletion Solutions delivers a unique service that allows vehicle owners the ability to "clean" their car's history. This involves clearing a vehicle's VIN, which can boost its marketability, particularly for cars with a background of significant breakdowns, all while preserving the owner's privacy. Nonetheless, it's vital to use such services with integrity, ensuring transparency regarding the vehicle's actual condition.
Can you guide me through searching a vehicle's history using its VIN?
Simply find the VIN on the car or in its documents, then head over to a VIN lookup service like, type in the VIN, and review the produced report for the vehicle's history. At the output, you get detailed information on the VIN check conducted at COPART USA.
Why is considered a reliable source for VIN lookups? is valued because it gathers thorough and current information from multiple sources, offering comprehensive reports through an simple-to-navigate platform.
Why does a JAGUAR S-TYPE have a unique VIN?
A distinct VIN for every JAGUAR S-TYPE ensures that each vehicle can be individually identified for monitoring, registration, and for offering its detailed history.