VOLVO S40 2009 GREY, VIN: YV1MS754192441797
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GB - U - Used Unrecorded
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1997 cc
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VOLVO S40 2009
За период с : 2023-09 По: 2024-08
Всего: 0
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VOLVO S40 2009
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COPART IE Bid History Report for 2009 VOLVO S40 VIN YV1MS754192441797
Explore the full auction history of a VIN number VOLVO S40 2009 available at COPART IE. Our platform allows you to effortlessly and efficiently delve into the extensive details about this specific vehicle, such as the VOLVO S40 2009, by providing detailed reports to simplify your research process.
Every vehicle is allotted a distinct Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), a unique code that encapsulates important details about the VOLVO S40, including its manufacturing year, origin country, engine type, and various other specifications. Acquainting yourself with the 2009 VOLVO S40 VIN number YV1MS754192441797 offers a comprehensive look into the vehicle's history, ensuring you make well-informed decisions when thinking about a auto purchase.
Vehicle auctions function as a dynamic marketplace for the sale of vehicles via bidding. These auctions often feature cars that are returned from leases, have sustained damage, or have been repossessed. Observing the auction history of the 2009 VOLVO S40 through its VIN YV1MS754192441797 unveils the vehicle's past, highlighting any damages and the eventual selling price.
The bid history for a 2009 VOLVO S40 for sale at COPART IE can unveil pricing trends, helping in the enhancement of bidding strategies for both buyers and sellers upon evaluating factors like lot number, sale date and status.
Report on VOLVO S40 VIN: YV1MS754192441797 - All Past Details
Examining the VIN history of a VOLVO S40, specific focal points include:
- Vehicle Type: AUTOMOBILE;
- Make: VOLVO;
- Model: S40;
- Year of Manufacture: 2009;
- VIN: YV1MS754192441797;
- Lot Number: 72615702;
- Primary damage: MECHANICAL;
- Secondary damage: MINOR DENTS/SCRATCHES;
- Driving Ability: ENHANCED VEHICLES;
- Sale Price: ;
- Auction: COPART IE.
In-Depth Details: VOLVO S40, VIN YV1MS754192441797
When considering a 2009 VOLVO S40 for sale, in addition to the basic information, it is essential to consider additional details that in unison will help provide a complete picture of the vehicle. The VOLVO S40 2009 can reveal its current legal status and provide information about its past.
This vehicle falls under the AUTOMOBILE category and is produced by the well-known VOLVO brand. Its model is S40, that was manufactured in 2009. The unique vehicle identification number (VIN) for this car is YV1MS754192441797. It was put up for sale at an auction, under the lot number 72615702.
During the assessment detailed inspection identified that the major damage to the vehicle is located in MECHANICAL region. Additionally, it has been detected that lesser damage is MINOR DENTS/SCRATCHES.
The VOLVO S40 2009 features a GREY color and ENHANCED VEHICLES, which signals whether it is in running condition. Equipped with an 1997 cc engine, its transmission is listed as MANUAL. The vehicle is being auctioned through the COPART IRL on 24/01/2023. Its price is . Overall, the 2009 VOLVO S40 with VIN YV1MS754192441797 was marked as Sold according to the sale status.
VIN Deletion Solutions offers a unique service that enables vehicle owners the ability to "clean" their car's history. This involves removing a vehicle's VIN, which can enhance its value, particularly for cars with a background of significant breakdowns, all while preserving the owner's privacy. But, it's vital to use such services ethically, guaranteeing transparency regarding the vehicle's actual condition.
Can you guide me through searching a vehicle's history using its VIN?
First, find the VIN on the car or in its documents, then head over to a VIN lookup service like, enter the VIN, and look over the generated report for the vehicle's history. At the output, you obtain detailed information on the VIN check via COPART IRL.
Why is considered a reliable source for VIN lookups? is valued because it amasses comprehensive and updated information from diverse sources, offering comprehensive reports through an user-friendly platform.
Why does a VOLVO S40 have a unique VIN?
A distinct VIN for every VOLVO S40 makes sure that each vehicle can be distinctly recognized for monitoring, registration, and for providing its detailed history.