If you plan on buying a car, you must know as much as possible about it.
Using StatReport’s VIN Check service, instantly learn about previous owners, any major damage and accidents (flood/fire/collision and more), original or optional equipment installed, mileage/odometer, and much more!

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VIN Decoder
Every car has a unique identifier code called a VIN. This number contains vital information about the car, such as its manufacturer, year of production, the plant it was produced in, type of engine, model and more. For instance, if someone wants to buy a car, it is possible to check the VIN number on the online database to ensure that the car was not stolen, damaged or illegally modified. The VIN number has a specific format that is globally recognized. This format was implemented by the ISO institute.
Every car manufacturer is obliged to mark all its vehicles in this special format. This online service allows a user to check the validity of the car and get detailed information on almost any VIN number, search car parts and check the car's history. The VIN also allows a user to check the market value of a new or used car.

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Copart & IAAI Auto
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We are absolutely free website. Our main idea - to share Copart and IAAI sales history to everybody who wants to choose right bid level for best car
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